“Trackwise stick bits of solder on bits of board or at least that’s how they humbly describe what they do. That’s probably underselling it. Some of their printed circuit boards are quite beautiful but it’s their application that’s the really impressive thing. Trackwise make boards that help antennas transmit your mobile calls, they make boards that reduce the complexity and improve the safety of jet engines and they make boards that help radar see underground.
“We took this theme of ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ to bring out the real outcomes of a PCB, whether that’s an efficient antenna or a safer jet engine. Using small graphical component parts reassembled into a larger image, we demonstrated how critical these otherwise hidden and uncelebrated boards really are. This also gave Trackwise a graphical device that could be used across all the new sectors they are currently exploring.
Designed by Mytton Williams