“Ylo is a health product based on a unique approach inspired by the benefits of traditional Chinese medicines. At the origin of this innovative startup: the willingness of its two founders, Y-Nhi and Laurent, to make known the benefits of a millenial medicine, revolving around the principle of body-mind balance. The product is composed of a Phyto-acupression pen, which releases a herbal preparation into the body through a very precise self-care ritual. Distributed in drugstores throughout France, this range deals with sleep disorders, digestive disorders, nasal obstruction and headaches; its presence across the country will gradually increase.
“Our mission was to create Ylo’s visual identity and to implement its graphic territory, notably through packaging. Two main challenges have arisen before us: how can we make a health product emerge in the midst of a highly codified market? How can we succeed in overcoming the wide gap between traditional medicine and scientific innovation, between the expression of naturality and the effectiveness of a radically new product?
“We have created a logo that expresses naturality and sobriety through an original low-case typography, but also the ritual of care and harmony through three points that perfectly symmetrically circumscribe the wordmark.
“The packaging combines the desire to express natural and traditional medicine, while at the same time describing the contribution of an innovative process to the market. It is intended to be didactic and must allow the client not to lose his reference points, while maintaining a minimalist and modern design. A rendering of the plants in shades of grey combined with bright colours for each of the symptoms creates a range effect that is both neat and unexpected, while opening up the brand to real possibilities of extension.”
Designed by Brand Brothers